Friday, February 27, 2009

Today I found a few more answers for my foundation questions. I also was looking up different DVD's that I could watch that might help me out. I was looking up book about serial killers that might also help me out. I was thinking about going to the library to look for the books that I found and look for other books as well. If I go to the library I will also look for DVD's that may have information about serial killers that can help me out. I am hoping that either reading or watching these DVD's will help me answer my foundation questions better because right now I am having a hard time trying to find things on the internet.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today I used easybib to cite some of my websites that I found. I also was searching the internet for more information that will help me with my project. I am having a hard time on trying to find some informatio.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today I was looking for more information for my foundation questions. I didn't any information that I was looking for, but I did find this odd website. It was about serial killers and you could order things like movies, magazines, ect. I might take a better look that the website another day.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today I have came up with interview questions to ask the two people that I plan on interviewing sometime in the future. After I was done with the interview quesetions I started working on my foundation questions again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I continued on answering my foundation questions. I got some more good information for my questions but I am still not done with answering all of the questions. I have either not of finished answer my foundation questions or I have no answered them at all yet. I am thinking about with rewording some of my foundation questions so that they fit the information that I am finding. Also I might come up with a few other foundation questions that will fit the information I am finding and will also help me a lot to answering my essential question.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today I picked up on my foundation questions from where I left off yesterday. I looked at a coupled different webpages to get the information I needed to answer a few of my foundation questions. I am still not done answering my foundation questions. Either the questions are not complete or some of them I haven't even gotten an answer for them yet. Tomorrow I will continue answering my foundation questions that I have. I am thinking about going to the library this weekend and looking for some books that might also help me out with answering my foundation questions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today I got a lot of information for a few of my foundation questions. I have also found this chart that I think that might help me with my project but I also found it interesting. The chart was about different types of killers; Serial Killers, Mass Killers, and Spree Killers. The chart also gives you information about each one.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today I wrote down all of the questions in a Word Document. I looked at a website and started answering two of my foundatoin questions. Tomorrow I will start looking at the other websites that I have and answer some more of my foundation questions that I have.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Today I finished my work cited. When I was working on it I thought of an other Foundation Question. What do Forensic Scientist do on a crime scene? I feel that i need to come up with some more Foundation Questions for my topic.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Found some more "Did you know?

  • A serial killer is a typical white male, ages 20-30, and are usually in the USA.
  • There are organized and disorganized serial killers
  • Organized killers plan things out
  • Disorganized killer murders someone as a spur of the moment

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today I worked on my citations. I have just about all of them done except for one, which I will finish tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today I found more Did you know? I have already posted them. I also cited some of the website that I have used. Tomorrow I am going to work more on finishing my citations.

More..Did you know?

· 84% of American killers are Caucasian
· 16% are black
· Men make up at least 90% of the world wide total of serial killers
· Victims:
o 65% are female
o 89% are white
· 44% all killers start in their twenties
· 26% start in their teens
· 24% start in their thirties86% are heterosexual