Monday, September 21, 2009

I redid my literture review but now I have to do the self editing sheet. I am also working on my website at the moment. Either tomorrow or sometime next week I have to meet up with Mt. Duty.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So Far...

At the moment I finished my first draft of my literature review. I have also started on my website and have gotten a good bit of it done.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Over the weekend I finished my film. My film is a little more than seven minut es long. I didn't get to work on my essay like I wanted too, I had to much stuff going on this weekend with family things and other homework I had to get done first.

Friday, September 4, 2009

At the moment I am working on my literature review and I have a good bit of it done. Over the weekend I am going to try to work on it a little more. For my film I only have a little bit more to do then it will be done. Next saturday I plan on having a few people over my house and showing them my film. While I am showing them my film I am going to record myself what I am doing.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Over the break I worked on my action plan. I got a few people together and started to work on my film. I got all of the filming done. Since I was done filming I have been going over my cousins house a couple times a week to work on editing the film. He showed me a lot on how to edit a film, but half the stuff he showed me I forgot how to do it. Well, I am just about done editing my film it should be finished by this weekend. I problem that I ran into was that we can only have 8 minutes of film during our project and I believe it is longer than that. So I have to show my plan to a group of people and talk to them about it while I am doing this I am going to have to film myelf doing this. That is what I am going to show as my action plan.