Friday, January 30, 2009

Did you know?

· When a serial killer kills someone the victims usually have something in common, occupation, race, appearance, or gender.
· There are certain steps that Forensic Scientist follow to catch a serial killer:
o Interview
o Examine
o Photograph
o Sketch
o Process
· Serial killers have patterns
· Computers can help to catch a serial killer
· In 2007 there were 16,929 murders
· There are a few people that work on a crime scene:
o There’s the first officer
o Patrol Supervisor
o Detective
· When a serial killer is going to kill someone they need to watch what they are doing. So that they don’t make any mistakes that will tie them to the murder.
· CATCH – Computer Acided Tracking and Characterization of Homicides. It helps catch a murder.
· 85% of the world’s serial killers are in AmericaThere are 20 – 50 unidentified active serial killers at any given time

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